अरीय भित्ति - ariy bhitti meaning in hindi
अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ
Suggested :
किंचिन् | short |
Buses are used for commuting short to medium distances | |
उज्ज्वल | brilliant |
Under the brilliant commander | |
निवेश | investment |
Recently, overseas investment in Algeria has increased. | |
मारक क्षमता | orbit |
Many satellites need to be moved from one orbit to another from time to time | |
भिषग्जित | drug |
One drug currently being investigated for possible use as an anti-malarial |
ariy bhitti
अक्षरों की संख्या: 12 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
ariiya bhitti
Related spellings : areey bhitti,ariy bhitti
Related spellings : areey bhitti,ariy bhitti
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